The French law on disabled persons

Since 1987, any French enterprise employing more than 20 employees is required to employ at least 6 % of disabled workers. 

Any French body or firm, whether public or private,  employing more than 20 employees is required to issue every year before 15 February a mandatory employment of disabled workers declaration.

For this declaration is considered to be disabled worker :


One disabled worker shall be counted as a single unit , no matter what the form of his disability : there is no more category A,B and C ( they have been dropped).

A lot of subsidies are available to facilitate recruitment and keeping disabled persons in work.

If the undertaking employs not enough disabled workers, it has to pay a contribution to the public body called in French Agefiph, Association nationale de gestion du fonds pour l’insertion professionnelle des travailleurs handicapés.

A disabled worker is not protected against dismissal, however the notice period is doubled ( it is paid) , only in case of occupational disease or occupational accident.

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