The French law on disabled persons
Since 1987, any French enterprise employing more than 20 employees is required to employ at least 6 % of disabled workers. Bookmark on Delicious Digg...
Since 1987, any French enterprise employing more than 20 employees is required to employ at least 6 % of disabled workers. Bookmark on Delicious Digg...
The use of personal protective equipment, is often necessary to protect employees from injury or illness caused by exposure to toxic substances and ot...
The French Labour code states the hours of work and of rest for workers underaged (under 18). Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebo...
The single document for the evaluation of occupational risks is compulsory in France, since 2001, for any company employing workers. The update of th...
Every company’s manager employing 50 or more people is required to establish a health, safety and working conditions committee. During the c...
According to the French Labor code, article L. 1251-22, the temporary employment agency has to undergo the medical surveillance of temporary workers. ...
In all companies, workers must be trained to dispense first aid in the workplace to be able to intervene in case of accident at the work place. Bookma...
Every employer is responsible for the organisation of first aid in his company : it is imposing by the French Labour Code. First aid in workstation i...
The risk of business travellers becoming infected with Ebola virus during a visit to the affected areas and developing disease after returning is extr...
When the employee is exposed to certain occupational risks, physical, chemical or biological, the medical supervision has to be strengthened. Until 20...