Workplace first-aiders

In all companies, workers must be trained to dispense first aid in the workplace to be able to intervene in case of accident at the work place.

Every employer has to trained workplace first-aiders in workshops where employees make hazardous works.

According to the French Labour Code article R 4224-15,  a workplace firts-aiders is prescribed  in any workshop where there are  hazardous works .

National Health Insurance Fund for Salaried Employees (in french CNAMTS – Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés) has established a specific training for the workplace first-aiders. There are many organisations in France offering such training but they must follow this general training programme.

You can read the training programme on the INRS Website
The National Research and Safety Institute in France is called  INRS – Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité) has to help to prevent of occupational accidents and diseases works for employees and companies under the General Social Security Scheme

There is an initial training and then retraining during the year following the initial training and after retraining is necessary only every 24 months.

The workplace first-aiders are now trained to use an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Workplace first-aiders are called “Secouristes du travail, SST” in French

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