To measure the levels of exposure
Only a recognised organisation is allowed to measure the level of exposure for CMR, Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic agents in working areas. The...
Only a recognised organisation is allowed to measure the level of exposure for CMR, Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic agents in working areas. The...
Skin protection creams and gloves need to be appropriate to handled products. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Re...
A temporary contract of employment cannot be concluded for hazardous works unless the responsible of the user undertaking requests an authorization to...
The temporary worker is hired and paid by an agency for temporary personnel which assigned him to work under the direction and supervision of the user...
When a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is exposed to benzène, or another reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2, (according to th...
Since 2010, and for the first time, the French Labour Code mentions the work hardship. The employer has to fill in a sheet on the prevention of exposu...
The single document for the evaluation of occupational risks is compulsory in France, since 2001, for any company employing workers. The update of th...
The employer must not fill in the single document for the evaluation of occupational risks on his own. He has to share it with his employees. And addi...
Several criteria must be met cumulitavely to obtain the recognition of an occupational disease. Physicians of all specialities must know this procedur...
Every company’s manager employing 50 or more people is required to establish a health, safety and working conditions committee. During the c...