Who can contribute to the writing of the single document for the evaluation of occupational risks ?

The employer must not fill in the single document for the evaluation of occupational risks on his own. He has to share it with his employees. And additional help is also available, outside his company.

Single document for the evaluation of occupational risks is called in French : document unique pour l’évaluation des risques.

Help is available outside the company to fill in the single document for the evaluation of occupational risks :

  • The occupational physician is an occupational health and safety expert, who knows the company and the employees. He is also in contact with some experts on the security prevention at work.
  • The representatives of the Regional health insurance prevention service, called in French CARSAT, Caisse d’Assurance Retraite et de Santé au Travail.
  • Members of the health, safety and working conditions committee, the staff representatives.
  • Anybody else having skills to help to write the single document.

Many examples of single documents for the evaluation of occupational risks are available on the internet.

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