Workstation layout, arrangement for working conditions
The occupational physican may request the employer a workstation layout or arrangement of working conditions for a worker, whom state of health requi...
The occupational physican may request the employer a workstation layout or arrangement of working conditions for a worker, whom state of health requi...
A growing number of employees at companies like Google are tossing aside their chair and asking to work while standing. Prolonged sitting causes damag...
The temporary worker is hired and paid by an agency for temporary personnel which assigned him to work under the direction and supervision of the user...
Since 2010, and for the first time, the French Labour Code mentions the work hardship. The employer has to fill in a sheet on the prevention of exposu...
The employer must not fill in the single document for the evaluation of occupational risks on his own. He has to share it with his employees. And addi...
Every company’s manager employing 50 or more people is required to establish a health, safety and working conditions committee. During the c...
The medical supervision is strengthened when the worker is pregnant, some professional exposures must be avoided in pregnant woman or in breastfeeding...
The manager is the main prevention partner in the firm. He should guarantee the health and safety of workers by implementing appropriate measures suc...
In case of serious accident, the enterprise must call the emergency services system, in France known as SAMU (Service d’Aide Médicale Urgente)...
On chemical labels, risk phrases are written : R phrases, S phrases which inform about the risks of the substances. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this p...