Inter-company occupational health services in France
The manager is the main prevention partner in the firm. He should guarantee the health and safety of workers by implementing appropriate measures such as arranging the monitoring in occupational health for his employees. To this end he has to subscribe to an inter-company occupational health service. It is only when the company has a workforce of over 500 individuals that the employer has the choice and is allowed to create his own occupational health service. In the other cases, the employer has no choice and is legally obligated to subscribe to an inter-company occupational health service.
In France the inter-company occupational health services have territorial and geographic competences.
There are approximately 335 inter-company occupational health services, in France.
The list of all inter-company occupational health services can be read on the CISME website .
CISME, Centre Interservices de Santé et Médecine du travail en Entreprise.
CISME represents nationally the inter-company occupational health services.