Social Welfare for pregnant woman
Pregnant women working may have benefits according to their collective agreement. But in any case, they have a maternity leave, whose duration depends on certain parameters.
Pregnancy declaration
Maternity leave
Professional activity
Protection against dismissal
Pregnancy declaration
- Pregnancy must be declared to the Primary Sickness Insurance Fund (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM)) and to the family allowance fund before the end of third month of pregnancy
In France, no legislation requires that the woman informes her employer of her pregnancy but is necessary for example when a work layout must be done.
Maternity leave
Legal duration of maternity leave is established under the French labour Code, L. 1225-17
But pregnant worker must read her collective agreement, which is sometimes more favourable !
Legal duration of maternity leave
- You have no dependent child or only one dependent child
Antenatal leave = 6 weeks
Postnatal leave = 10 weeks - You have two at least 2 children
Antenatal leave= 8 weeks
Postnatal leave = 18 weeks - You are expecting twins
Antenatal leave = 12 weeks
Postnatal leave = 22 weeks - You are expecting triplet
Antenatal leave = 24 weeks
Postnatal leave = 22 weeks
In case of pathology related to pregnancy : further 14 days may also be accorded during antenatal leave, by medical prescription : it is a prenatal leave for sickness
Professional activity
- The employment contract is suspended during maternity leave.
- Certain collective agreements propose a decrease in the number of hours worked for pregnant women, without any loss of wages.
- When a pregnant woman is exposed to certain occupational risks, a workstation layout is necessary.
- The medical examinations during the pregnancy can run up during working time, according to the French Labor code (article L. 1225-16 )
Breastfeeding is allowed at the workplace and during working time, according to the French Labor code (Article L. 1225-30, Article R4152-13, Article R1225-5)
Protection against dismissal
According to the French Labor code (Article L.1225-5, Article L. 1225-39)
French law prohibits the employer from firing a pregnant worker or during her maternity leave.
You can also read the following posts :
- Some professional exposures must be avoided in pregnant women
- Workstation layout for a pregnant woman
- Reinstatement visit after maternity leave
- Paternity leave