Some professional exposures must be avoided during pregnancy
The medical supervision is strengthened when the worker is pregnant, some professional exposures must be avoided in pregnant woman or in breastfeeding woman.
The settings of care, the early childhood sector
Exposure to ionising radiations
Exposure to hazardous chemicals, to reproductive toxicants
Night work
Work outside shops or work to cold
The settings of care, the early childhood sector
The settings of care, the early childhood sector expose the pregnant woman to the risk of contracting rubella, toxoplasmosis, varicella, therefore the pregnant woman should not be exposed to these occupational risks, except when it is proved she has sufficient personal immunity .
Exposure to ionising radiations
The exposure to ionising radiations must be avoided ( according to the French legislation décret n°2003-296 du 31/03/2003)
In case of exposure, the limit value set by the regulation for pregnant woman exposed to ionising radiations must be less than 1 mSv, from the declaration of pregnancy to childbirth.
(According to the French labour Code, article D 4152-5 )
In case of accidental :
- below 100 mGy, the woman can continue her pregnancy,
- beyond 200 mGy, therapeutic abortion is recommended.
Exposure to hazardous chemicals, to reproductive toxicants
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman should not be exposed to following exposures
According to the French decree 2001-97
- Reproductive toxins, carcinogens and mutagens
According to French Labour Code Article D. 4152-10
- Reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2
- Benzene.
- Derivatives of polyaromatic hydrocarbons
- Nitro-derivatives and chloro-nitro derivatives
- Dinitrophenol ;
- Aniline , benzydine , naphtylamines
According to the French “Circulaire DRT 12 du 24 Mai 2006”
- Benzene
- Reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2 with symbol T and risk phrases R 60 “may impair fertility” and /or R 61 “.May cause harm to the unborn child”.
- For the following risk phrases, it is necessary to be especially careful for pregnant and breastfeeding woman, sometimes even until removal from exposure
- R 62 = possible risks of impaired fertility
- R 63 = may cause harm to the unborn child
- R 64 = may cause harm to breastfed babies
Solvents exposure is particularly dangerous, because solvents cross the placental barrier.
Night work
A pregnant woman is not obliged to work during the night during her pregnancy and over a certain period following childbirth, subject to the submission of a medical certificate stating that this is necessary for health and safety reasons.
Work outside shops or work to cold
- Work is not allowed if temperature is below 0 degrees
- Work is not allowed after 10 PM
You can also read the following posts :
- Workstation layout for a pregnant woman
- Reinstatement visit after maternity leave
- Social welfare for pregnant woman
- Paternity leave