Certificate of fitness for work
After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subjec...
After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subjec...
When a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is exposed to benzène, or another reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2, (according to th...
Several criteria must be met cumulitavely to obtain the recognition of an occupational disease. Physicians of all specialities must know this procedur...
The health doctor fills out a medical record for each employee. It is meant to track the professional exposures and help the occupational physician to...
The medical supervision is strengthened when the worker is pregnant, some professional exposures must be avoided in pregnant woman or in breastfeeding...
The employee has to consult a doctor if he has been victim to an occupational accident. The physician has to fill in an initial medical certificate ....
The periodical medical check is an opportunity to review the worker’s health, to inquire on the medical consequences of the occupational exposur...