Certificate of fitness for work

After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subject to work modifications .

In French, the certificate of fitness to work is called “certificat d’aptitude au travail”.

Every medical examination estimates the capacity or not of the employee to start a new work or take back his old employment, and if necessary, of the necessity of an adaptation of the working conditions. The doctor may also request a professional redeployment

Indeed, the occupational physician knows well :

  • the health status of the worker,
  • the company,
  • and the workstation of the employee.

For a third of his working time, the occupational physician carries out actions on the work places, alone or with a member of the multidisciplinary team : that is why  he knows the different company’s workstations  and professionnal exposures of each of them.

The occupational physician has to written his opinion about the fitnesse of work : he fills in a certificate of fitness for work.

One copy of this certificate is given to the employer and the other is for the employee. Usually the occupational physician keep a copy too in the medical record of occupational health.

The employer has to keep all the certificates, they may be requested by the labour inspector  : these certificates prove the medical followup for employees is done.

According to the French Labour Code (Article R 4624-35 and Article R 4624-36)

The employer or the employee may contest the opinion delivered by the occupational physician : he has the right to an administrative appeal with the labour inspector. They have a maximum period of 2 months to dispute the doctor’s opinion.

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