Certificate of fitness for work
After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subjec...
After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subjec...
The French law allows night work for workers underaged ( under 18) only in some occupational fields. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on...
According to the French Labor code, article L. 1251-22, the temporary employment agency has to undergo the medical surveillance of temporary workers. ...
The medical record may be transmuitted to another doctor or the employer but only a part of the file. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend o...
The reinstatement visit is compulsory after a maternity leave, within 8 days of return to work. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Fac...