Certificate of fitness for work
After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subjec...
After each medical examination, the occupational physician issues a medical statement : he says if the employee is fit or unfit to work, or fit subjec...
Skin protection creams and gloves need to be appropriate to handled products. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Re...
A growing number of employees at companies like Google are tossing aside their chair and asking to work while standing. Prolonged sitting causes damag...
When a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is exposed to benzène, or another reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2, (according to th...
Since 2010, and for the first time, the French Labour Code mentions the work hardship. The employer has to fill in a sheet on the prevention of exposu...
The French law allows young workers to work Sundays and holidays only in some occupational fields. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on F...
The French law allows night work for workers underaged ( under 18) only in some occupational fields. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on...
Infectious pleural pathology , benign pleural disease or malignant pleural lesion can be recognised as an occupational disease. Bookmark on Deliciou...
According to updates of the French Labour Code and the French Social Security Code, the french employers have new obligations and must henceforth ens...
The law intrusts a lot of missions to the occupational doctor and insures its independence for these responsibilities. Occupational physicians support...