Workstation layout for a pregnant woman

When a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is exposed to benzène, or another reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2, (according to the French labor code  L.1225-12 ) at her workstation the employer has to offer a job compatible with her state of health.

Occupational risks determined by legislation
When there is no  possibilities of redeployment to another position for the pregnant women
Night work
Exposure to other occupational risks 

 Occupational risks determined by legislation

According to the below articles from the French labor code, when a pregnant woman is exposed to certain occupational risks and when the employer cannot offer another job without exposure to these occupational hazards, the expecting woman is entitled to receive full pay during  her leave :

Occupational risks determined by legislation

  • Reproductive toxic chemicals classified in catégories 1 or 2
  • Benzene.
  • Exposure to the toxoplasmosis or rubella virus, except when it is proved the pregnant woman has sufficient personal immunity .
  • Exposure to pest control products when the label bears either of the following instructions : they can cause heritable genetic damages or birth defects, or are classified carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic to the reproduction .
  • Exposure to metallic lead and its compounds
  • Works in a hyperbaric environment, in which [ pressure  related to] the maximum pressure exceeds [pressure of] 1,2 bar.

This also applies to women who have given birth or for breastfeeding women but only during one month after returning from parental leave.

 When there is no  possibilitiy of redeployment to another position for the expecting woman

When the employer cannot offer another work position to the pregnant woman, he has to inform the pregnant woman and the occupational physician, in writing, his reasons for refusing. The employment contract is then suspended, except  during statutory maternity leave.

When the contract is suspended the pregnant woman is entitled to receive 100 per cent of her wage. The salary consists of :

 Night work

According to the French labor code, L 1225-9 , the pregnant woman who usually has a night work can work during daytime if she wants or for health reasons.
A pregnant woman is not  obliged to work during the night during her pregnancy and over a certain period following childbirth, subject to the submission of a medical certificate stating that this is necessary for health and safety reasons.
The labour doctor states, in writing, if it is necessary for the pregnant woman to work during daytime only for health reasons.

In case of redeployment to another position, the salary is maintained.

Exposure to other occupational risks

When the pregnant woman is exposed to other occupational risks such as carrying heavy loads, the occupational physician may request a redeployment to another position for her.

In any case a pregnant woman can ask to meet the occupational physician if her working conditions are too intense in order to consider  modifying the working conditions in agreement with the employer.
If there is no possibility of redeployment, the pregnant woman will be entitled to a sick leave but will only receive daily allowance paid by Social security funds and not supplemented by employer contributions : it is different from the situation where there are occupational risks determined by legislation ( benzene, metallic lead, etc)

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Important :
S’il n’est pas possible de soustraire la femme enceinte de certaines expositions ( pour les risques professionnels déterminés par décret en conseil d’état, le travail de nuit) qui mettent sa grossesse en danger, c’est à dire s’il n’existe pas de reclassement possible, au sein de l’entreprise , il est possible de mettre la salariée en arrêt de travail, qui perçoit alors l’intégralité de son salaire, durant toute la durée de la grossesse.

Une allocation journalière est versée par la Sécurité Sociale.

Le complément de salaire est versé par l’employeur:
Ordonnance N° 2001-173 du 22 février 2001.

Le changement d’affectation ne doit entraîner aucune diminution de rémunération:
Conformément au code du travail art L. 1225-9.

Dans ce cas, la salariée doit transmettre à la caisse de sécurité sociale, en même temps que son arrêt de travail, une attestation de l’employeur stipulant l’impossibilité de reclassement au sein de l’entreprise durant la grossesse.

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