Prevention of exposures sheet ( specific French document)
When a worker is exposed to hazardous chemical agent, the employer has to establish a Prevention of exposures sheet ( a specific French document calle...
When a worker is exposed to hazardous chemical agent, the employer has to establish a Prevention of exposures sheet ( a specific French document calle...
Only a recognised organisation is allowed to measure the level of exposure for CMR, Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic agents in working areas. The...
When a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is exposed to benzène, or another reproductive toxic chemical classified in catégories 1 or 2, (according to th...
Since 2010, and for the first time, the French Labour Code mentions the work hardship. The employer has to fill in a sheet on the prevention of exposu...
The law intrusts a lot of missions to the occupational doctor and insures its independence for these responsibilities. Occupational physicians support...
On chemical labels, risk phrases are written : R phrases, S phrases which inform about the risks of the substances. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this p...
When the employee is exposed to certain occupational risks, physical, chemical or biological, the medical supervision has to be strengthened and also ...