Protecting the skin

Skin protection creams and gloves  need to be appropriate to handled products.

Protective Gloves

There is a wide variety of protective gloves : latex,  vinyl, or nitrile

Cotton gloves,  PVC gloves, cut-resistant gloves, heat resistant gloves, gloves that protect against cold, heavy work glove, household gloves,   gants de ménage, anti-vibration gloves, etc

The occupational physician advises the employer and the employees, which glove is appropriated.

Latex allergy is very common : 
it is caused by the powder located on the inside of the gloves  and the high content of allergenic proteins in some gloves.

Powdered gloves should be replaced by non powdered gloves

Size of the gloves must be adapted to the hands of the users. The employer must not buy only one size for all the workers.

Skin protection creams 

Some skin protection creams must be used before work whilst others  must be used after work : before work, it is to protect the skin and after work it is to help to repair the cutaneous barrier  and moisturize.

And we must no forget the sunscreens for the face for outdoor workers to protect them from harmful effects of the sun’s damaging UV rays, including skin cancer.

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