Formalities for the attending physician in case of occupational accident

The employee has to consult a doctor if he has been victim to an occupational accident. The physician has to fill in an  initial medical certificate .

Obligations for the attending physician


An accident at work is a fortuitous event causing bodily harm that is usually easily observable. It is also something that has happened at a specific time and a known place.

Obligations for the attending physician

The practitioner has to :

  • issue an initial medical certificate which indicates nature and location of the damages, etc
  •  make out and gives to the victim a medical certificate in quadruplicate, one copy of which contains no information concerning the disease and is to be given to the employer.
  • indicate nature and location of the damages, the duration of cares,
  • issue a sick leave if work stoppage is necessary,
  • issue a descriptive final certificate at the end of the sick leave, and/or the care,
    this medical certificate that states the victim has been cured or his condition stabilized and what the final consequences are must also be made out in quadruplicate.

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