Composition of the company’s health, safety and working conditions committee

Every company’s manager  employing 50 or more people  is required to establish a health, safety and working conditions committee.  During the  committee’s meetings, the employer and workers discuss about health and safety at work issues. In enterprises employing less than 50 people, the staff representatives performs the functions normally assigned to the health, safety and working conditions committee.

The establishment of the health, safety and working conditionsCommittee
Composition of the health, safety and working conditions committee 
Who can be elected  in health, safety and working conditions committee ?
Representation of senior executives within health, safety and working conditions committee 


The Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee is called in French CHSCT,  Comité d’Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail).


The establishment of the health, safety and working conditionsCommittee

The French Labour Code,   article L. 4111-1 , draw up a list of the enterprises concerned by a health, safety and working conditions committee.

Composition of the health, safety and working conditions committee

The committee is made of :

  • the person responsible within the company, or his representative which presides  the meeting,
  • a delegation of staff  (3 to 9  employees according to number of staff in the company ), for a term of 2 years ( according to the French Labour Code : article R. 4613-5),
  • members with only advisory capacity,
    • the occupationnal physician,
    • any expert invited by the  health, safety and working conditions committee,
    • the labour inspector
    • and the representative of prevention service of the Regional health insurance funds, called in French CARSAT, Caisse d’Assurance Retraite et de SAnté au Travail),

All these members are invited to every meeting..

In enterprises employing less than 50 people, the staff representatives performs the functions normally assigned to the health, safety and working conditions committee.

Who can be elected  in health, safety and working conditions committee ?

Everybody who is actually employed by the company can be elected to the health, safety and working conditions committee.

Representation of senior executives within health, safety and working conditions committee

The French Labour Code (article R.4613-1)  let some seats for  supervisors and executives  according to number of employees in the company.

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