Working hours and hours of rest for young workers

The French Labour code states the hours of work and of rest for workers underaged (under 18).

In France, it is allowed to work from the age of 16 and sometimes even from the age of 14 to the following conditions :

  • only for light work, during school holidays if they have a minimum duration of 14 days
  • and if the young worker has a rest time of at least one half of the school holidays

Working time must not exceed 8 hours per day.  Beyond 4:30 of uninterrupted work, a break of 30 minutes must be arranged. 

The daily rest period is   :

  • at least 14 consecutive hours under 16
  • at least 12 consecutive hours between 16 and 18

The working time must not exceed 35 hours per week however the labor inspector may agree (ask for a derogation) on 5 extra hours per week.
The occupational health physician must give ts opinion on this derogation, he may approve or not.

The weekly rest period is 2 consecutive days, however exceptions are possible in some sectors.

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