Works forbidden by law for young people in France

The French Labour Code specifies the forbidden works for young people. 

Works forbidden for young people between 15 and 18 years
Derogation procédure

 Works forbidden for young people between 15 and 18 years

It is forbidden to expose to any pornographic or violent related acts

  • According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-16 )


It is forbidden to expose to hazardous chemical agents however an exemption is possible

  • According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-17) :
    It is forbidden to expose to hazardous chemical agents ( defined by French Labour Code  articles R. 4412-3 and R. 4412-60)
  • According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-18) :
    It is forbidden to expose to asbestos

    • dust level defined by the French Labour Code article R. 4412-98 
    • however exemption is possible for certain dust levels defined by the French Labour Code, article R. 4412-98)


List of hazardous chemical agents to which exposure by young people is prohibited

  • Exposure to a hazardous chemical agent defined by the French Labour Code (article R. 4411-6) is prohibited and exposure to any hazardous chemical agents having an occupational exposure limit value.

According to the French Labour Code (article R 4411-6 ) a young under 18 years of age should not be exposed to chemical substances and mixtures corresponding to one of the following category :

  •  Explosives  substances
  • Extremely flammable
  • Easily flammables
  • Flammables
  • Very toxic
  • Toxic
  • Noxious
  • Corrosive
  • Irritants
  • Sensitizers
  • Carcinogenic
  • Mutagenic
  • Toxic to reproduction


However there is no prohibition for the following hazardous chemical agents  :oxidizers,  substances and mixtures hazardous to the aquatic environment.


It is forbidden to expose to group 4 and group 3 biological agents

According to the French Labour Code (article D 4153-19).
For example, hepatitis B virus, virus rabies  are group 3 biological agents.


It is forbidden to expose to mechanical vibrations

According to the French Labour Code (article D 4153-20 ) and it specifies the vibrations levels which should not be exceeded  (article R. 4443-2)  :

  • 2,5 m / s2 for the vibrations transmitted to the hands and arms  ;
  • 0,5 m / s2  for the vibrations transmitted to the whole body.


Exposure to ionising radiations, artificial optical radiation are forbidden however an exemption is possible.

According to the French Labour Code (Articles D 4153-21  and  D 4153-22 )

Exposure to hyperbaric conditions is prohibited however an exemption is possible.

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-23 )

Exposure to hazards of an electrical nature is forbidden

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-24 )

Exposure to risks of collapse is forbidden

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-25 )

Driving  mobile work equipment is forbidden

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-26  and  D 4153-27 )

Works requiring use of work equipment are forbidden however an exemption is possible

According to the French Labour Code (Articles D 4153-28 and D 4153-29 )

Temporary work at a height is forbidden

According to the French Labour Code (Articles D 4153-30D 4153-31 and D 4153-32 )

 Works using pressure vessels are forbidden however an exemption is possible

According to the French Labour Code (Articles D 4153-33  and D 4153-34 )

Working in contact with melted glasse or melted metal is forbidden however an exemption is possible

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-35)

Exposure to extreme temperatures is forbidden

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-36 )

Working in contact with animals is forbidden

According to the French Labour Code (Article D 4153-37 du Code du travail).

 Dérogation procedure

The dérogation shoud be request to the labor inspector ( French Labour Code article R 4153-39) and may be granted for 3 years. According to a recent decree ( n°2013-914), it is granted now for a work place, not for a worker.

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