Who is entitled to a disability pension ?
According to the French Social security code article L341-1, when a worker has lost two-thirds of his workforce, because of an illness, he is entitled...
According to the French Social security code article L341-1, when a worker has lost two-thirds of his workforce, because of an illness, he is entitled...
When a worker is exposed to hazardous chemical agent, the employer has to establish a Prevention of exposures sheet ( a specific French document calle...
Only a recognised organisation is allowed to measure the level of exposure for CMR, Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic agents in working areas. The...
According to updates of the French Labour Code and the French Social Security Code, the french employers have new obligations and must henceforth ens...
When a worker has been exposed to one or several harshness factors, for a certain period, he can retire before the legal retirement age and is entitle...
When the employee is exposed to certain occupational risks, physical, chemical or biological, the medical supervision has to be strengthened and also ...
The pre-reinstatement visits are optional and take place when the worker is on sick when a modification of the capacity for work is predictable. An e...
The employer has to organise the pre-recruitment medical examinations when hiring employees. It is to ensure that the employees are physically fit and...
The employer has to arrange a reinstatement medical examination with the occupational physician when worker has stopped to work at least for 30 days d...