Pre-recruitment medical examination
The employer has to organise the pre-recruitment medical examinations when hiring employees. It is to ensure that the employees are physically fit and able to fulfill the contract of employment.
When takes place the pre-recruitment examination ?
Process of the medical examination
Objectives of the pre-recruitment medical examination
Time spent on the medical examination
The pre-recruitment medical examination is a compulsory medical examination.
When takes place the pre-recruitment examination ?
The French labor code, article R 4624-10 states that :
This medical examination concerns every employee, whatever the length of his employment contract . This examination takes place not later than the end of the trial period. But in case of strengthened medical supervision, the pre-recruitment medical examination does take place before the employee starts working for the enterprise.
Process of the medical examination
The pre-recruitment medical examination includes :
- A questioning to know personal and family medical history, workstations occupied in the past (what risks was the employee exposed to).
- A physical examination
- Tests such as :
- Eye test
- Urinary examinations
- Lung function test
- Hearing test
- The occupational physician can also prescribe other tests according to the occupational risks observed within the company : blood test, urine cytology, etc
Objectives of the pre-recruitment medical examination
Labor code, article R 4624-11, defines the objectives of this examination :
1° to be sure the worker is physically fit to perform the work for which he would be recruited,
2 to propose modifications of the workstation, if it is necessary,
3° to know if the employee has a dangerous illness for the other workers,
4° to inform the worker about risks at the workstation, which health surveillance will be necessary,
5° and how he can protect from this hazards.
A report is filed by the occupational physician after each medical examination. The doctor has to give his opinion : the employee is fit or unfit to work, a workstation layout is necessary, etc
One copy of this certificate is given to the employer and the other is for the employee. Usually the occupational physician keep a copy too in the medical record of occupational health.
Time spent on the medical examination
Time spent on the medical examination and on prescribed tests is taken on working time or is compensated and tranport costs too.