The register of occupational accidents
If the employer so wishes, he may request access to a register of work-related accidents. It is the Pension insurance and health at work institution ( called in Frenc CARSAT, Caisse d’Assurance Retraite et de la Santé au Travail ) who gives it to the company. When the employer has a register of occupational accidents, when there is no sick leave or care after the occupational accident, the occupational accident must only be written down in the register of occupational accidents. Then, if sick leave or care are necessary for this occupational accident, the employer has to make the administrative formalities of declaration.
The firm must meet certain conditions to obtain a register of occupational accidents
What must you note on the register ?
Présentation of the register
There is a pension insurance and health at work institution in every region in France (called in French CARSAT, Caisse d’Assurance Retraite et de la Santé au Travail) : it is a private body, which provide mission of public service. It guarantees to the retired people of the General Health and Social Security System the payment of their pensions. It participates, by granting financial supports, to improve the living conditions of the elderly or the disabled persons.It attempts to make better the safety in companies, by staying up with care of the regulations and by insuring a mission of permanent council.
According to to the French social security Code, an employer may obtain a register of occupational accidents, article L 441-4
The firm must meet certain conditions to obtain a register of occupational accidents
It’s possible to have a register of occupational accidents, il there is whole time in the firm :
- an occupational health physician,
- or a pharmacist,
- or a nurse,
- or an employeer who is in charge of the Hygiene and Safety prevention and is also first-aider.
And if there is a first-aid station in the company.
The employer must also meet his obligations, according to the French labor code, article L 4611-1 : a health safety and working conditions committee is formed when there is at least 50 employees in the company.
If these conditions are in place, the pension insurance and health at work institution sends a register of occupational accidents to the employer.
At the end of each year, the employer sends the register to the pension insurance and health at work institution, using a registered postal letter with an acknowledgement of receipt.
What must you note on the register ?
Only the occupational accidents without sick leave or care must be noted on the register.
These data shall be noted :
- name of the victim,
- the accident date.
- place of the accident,
- the circumstances of the injury,
- the nature and the location of injuries,
- name and signature of the person who provided cares.
The victim has to sign the register.
Présentation of the register
The register must be submitted to several contacts :
- agents of social security,
- agents of Labour Inspectorate,
- accident victim ( when accident is noted on the register)
- health safety and working conditions committee ( when there are at least 50 employees in the firm) or staff representatives ( when there is fewer employees in the company).
You can also read the following posts :
- Occupational accidents, commuting accidents : definitions
- Severity rate for work-related accidents
- Frequency rate, frequency index for work-related accidents
- First aid organisation in the company
- Meetings of the health, safety and working conditions committee
- Tasks of the health, safety and working conditions committee
- Recognition and compensation of occupational accidents