Formalities for the employee in case of occupational accident
The victim of an occupational accident has to notify his work-relating accident according to the French Social Security code (article L. 441-1 )
An accident at work is a fortuitous event causing bodily harm that is usually easily observable. It is also something that has happened at a specific time and a known place.
Formalities for the employee
The victim has to :
- informe his employer within 24 hours ( place of the accident, witness to the accident, etc),
- obtain from his employer the “work accident” form ( called in French “formulaire accident du travail”) , so that, care are free of charge,
- consult a practitioner who needs to fill out an initial medical certificate,
- transmit to his employer the certificate of sick leave, in case of sick leave.
The victim may :
- consult the occupational physician, during the work stoppage, if a workstation layout seems to be necessary : it is a pre-reinstatement visit ( called in French “Visite de pré reprise”)
The occupational accident must be declared within 48 hours, but the victim has 2 years to effect that claim.
You cal also read the foolowing posts :
- Occupational accidents : definitions
- Optional medical examinations
- Administrative formalities for the employer in case of occupational accident
- Simple medical surveillance
- List of the French tables of occupational diseases (General Social security system)