The different occupational health services in France
In France, occupational medical service is necessarily organised by the employers, both materially and financially, within occupational health service...
In France, occupational medical service is necessarily organised by the employers, both materially and financially, within occupational health service...
Is chest X-ray examination obsolete ? Whether the patient is an employee or a craftsman, active or retired, the examinationsto which he is submitted w...
In case of serious accident, the enterprise must call the emergency services system, in France known as SAMU (Service d’Aide Médicale Urgente)...
On chemical labels, risk phrases are written : R phrases, S phrases which inform about the risks of the substances. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this p...
The victim of an occupational disease has to establish the notification of the occupational disease and then we must eliminate exposure to this occu...