Description of a table of occupational disease

In every table of occupational disease, for every illness there are : the list of symptoms, the time limit for compensation and the list of tasks. All conditions must be met by the victim to obtain the compensation of the disease. Any disease which meets the medical, occupational and administrative criteria given in the tables is systematically presumed to be occupational in origin, without it having to be proven.

  • List of symptoms :
    it is a limitative list which means the victim must necessary  have the symptoms which are on the list to obtain the recognition of illness as occupational disease
    This restrictive enumeration appears in the left-hand column of the table.
  • Time limit for compensation claim  :
    it is the delay between the diagnosis and the end of the exposure, the maximum allowable time between the condition being diagnosed and the moment when the worker is no longer exposed to the risk.
    The time limit varies not only depending on the disease, but sometimes, for the same cause, on the patient’s clinical manifestations or symptoms.
  • List of tasks :
    The type of work that can cause the condition in question, is mentioned in the right-hand column of thetable.

    • in some tables this list is limitative, which means that the victim must have done tasks listed, only those workers assigned to the tasks listed are entitled to occupational disease compensation.
    • in others tables the list is indicative, any task where the risk exists can be considered even if it is not on the table and the disease may be recognised even if the victim has’nt done the tasks listed.

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