Professional secrecy : medical secret, trade secret
The occupational physician is subject to the obligation of medical secret.
Medical secret
The occupational physician is subject to the obligation of medical secret according to the below articles from the Penal Code, the French Public Health Code and the French Physicians Ethics Code.
- Article 226-13 (French Penal Code)
- Article L. 1110-4 (French Public Health Code)
- Article 4 (French Code of ethics of French physicians)
The occupational physician is not subject to professional secrecy for occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
Trade secret
The occupational physician is subject to the obligation of trade secret in according with the French Labour code article L. 1227-1 :
If an employee or a director reveals or tries to reveal a trade secret, he exposes itself to a 2 years imprisonement sentence and a 30.000-euro fine.