Diseases of an occupational nature

A disease of an occupational exposure is a disease for which there is no table of occupational disease or there is a table but a criteria is missing. It is however possible to obtain the recognition of the illness as occupational disease, under certain conditions.

To the objective of creating news tables of occupational diseases, every physician has to declare every symptom, every illness who seems related with an occupational exposure ( even if there is no table for the illness).

When there is a table of occupational disease for a pathology, even when a criteria of the table is missing it is possible to obtain the recognition if the illness is related with an occupational exposure : it must be only a criteria about time limit compensation claim or list of tasks.

When there is no table of occupational exposure, a disease may be recognised as occupational disease  if it is related with an occupational exposure and the rate for the after-effects is at least 25% ( in case of after-effects the victim receive a partial permanent disability when she is consolidated. The rate is fixed by medical officer of the Social security) or the illness caused death.
Scale used to fixe the rate of  partial permanent disability

In these both cases, the CPAM, local health insurance fund, prepares specific files and submits them to the CRRMP, Occupational diseases recognition regional committee  (a panel consists of medical experts), which decides if there is or not a relation between the disease and the usual work. Its decision imposes on the CPAM.

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