Allergic disease recognised as an occupational disease
There are several stages for the allergy : the first level is asthma and then it may evolve into alveolitis and finally fibrosis. Some allergic diseases are recognised as occupational diseases.
All the tables of occupational diseases
Table # 66
Asthma is recognised as occupational illness in the table n° 66
- It must be stressed by spirometry.
The time limit compensation claim is 7 days - Complication of the sickness, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, may also be recognised as occupational disease :
the time limit compensation claim is 1 year.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is recognised as occupational illness in the table n° 66
- The disease can be reversed at the beginning.
- Symptoms are : shortness, cough, fever, weight-loss.
- The disease must be stressed by spirometry
- Markers ( antibodies) in the blood are necessary to obtain the recognition as occupational disease.
- This clinical picture don’t appear with the first contact with an allergen, but after several contacts to respiratory sensitisers.
- The time limit compensation claim is : 30 days.
Fibrosis is recognised as occupational illness in the table n° 66
Fibrosis is the final level of allergy.
To be recognised as an occupational disease, radiological signs of fibrosis are necessary, respiratory effects must be stressed by spirometry and antibodies must be present in the blood ( against the pathogen causing the disease).
Usually, we don’t find occupational origin for the fibrosis.
The time limit compensation claim is : 15 years.
Table # 62
Isocyanates are potent allergens which can cause : a
- asthma ( stressed by spirometry, time limit compensation claim : 7 days)
- interstitial lung disease ( time limit compensation claim : 30 days)
- hypersensitivity pneumonitis ( time limit compensation claim : 3 years) : bronchial obstruction or restrictive obstruction, radiological signs are necessary and antibodies must be present in the blood to obtain the recognition as occupational disease.
Table n° 62 recognise these diseases as occupational illness.
You can also read the following posts :
- List of the French tables of occupational diseases ( General Social security system)
- Diseases of an occupational nature
- Definition of an occupational disease
- Description of a table of occupational disease
- Occupational disease compensation
- Professional redeployment after occupational disease
- Respiratory diseases recognised as occupational diseases